Dr. Ted Baehr

The tide is turning. Even the licentious hearts in Hollyweird are making movies extolling life, like BELLA, JUNO, AUGUST RUSH, and many others. So, now is the time for South Dakota' VoteYesForLife.com initiative. Life must be protected not murdered. I congratulate everyone involved in VoteYesForLife.com! As Edmund Burke said so clearly, "Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living.. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance, inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense."

Norma McCorvey

Roe vs. Wade was erected upon the shifting sands of a terrible lie. Nobody knows that vivid fact more than I, the former "Roe" of Roe vs. Wade. Once my eyes had been illuminated to the horrible facts of abortion I renounced the rotting core of deceit that is the crumbling foundation of Roe vs. Wade. VoteYesForLife is the wrecking ball of truth poised to annihilate Roe's infrastructure. I give my full and unwavering support toward this noble effort. I am certain that VoteYesForLife and it's accomplished leadership team has what it takes to bring home victory for the innocet.

Tony Newman

Vote Yes For Life is unleashing the power and enthusiasm of the pro-life movement. Leslee Unruh has ignited a brushfire of liberty now sweeping across the United States. Real change is on the horizon and those embers of life are glowing red hot in the hearts of the pro-life community, they refuse to be extinguished by any caustic gale. Stroke your inner fire by joining me in wholeheartedly endorsing the VoteYesForLife.com campaign. Your efforts are certain to enliven our great country and bring America back to life: Vote Yes For Life!

Brian E. Fisher

Coral Ridge Ministries is pleased to endorse the 2008 VoteYesForLife.com initiative. The people of South Dakota have a rare opportunity this year to influence the nation for life by supporting this initiative to end the killing of unborn children in your state. Our founder, James Kennedy, was a strong champion for life and strongly supported the 2006 VoteYesForLife.com campaign. We eagerly do the same now in 2008. We are very encouraged to see the people of South Dakota persevere in the effort to provide legal protection to innocent, unborn children. VoteYesForLife.com leaders, Allen and Leslee Unruh, are friends of Coral Ridge Ministires who have shown unwavering courage in the fight to defend the unborn. They have been featured on our television and radio programs and were recipients of our Salt and Light Award. We are grateful for their leadership and wish them Godspeed as they work to defend life in South Dakota.

Alan Greene

I am pleased to support the VoteYesForLife.com initiative. We have a rare opportunity this time in history to do what is right and finally curb the number of abortions performed. The ministry God has given us at LifeLight is about "Taking the church outside the walls, bringing light into darkness." This is our opportunity to "be the church" and affect this culture. As believers in Christ how can we continue to allow the killing of unborn children to continue? The fact that it is legal speaks of the culture we are living in. We continue to pray for a transformation of hearts and revival across this land. In addition a step in that process is enacting realistic laws and standing for what is right ethically, morally, and practically. I urge you to get involved and support this campaign. If you are a Christian I think most people can agree that we need to reduce abortions and that is what passage of this bill will accomplish. Allen and Leslee Unruh and many others from their team have been faithful to the cause for many years. Let's rally behind them and get a victory for women and the unborn.

J.C. Willke, MD

I am Dr. Jack Willke. I was President of the National Right to Life Committee during the 1980s. I am President of Life Issues Institute, a national and international educational foundation, as well as President of the International Right to Life Federation. I have written extensively. My works have been translated into 32 languages. I have lectured in over 80 countries. It was my privilege to testify before your legislative committee when you were formulating your previous pro-life law, and I am willing to do so again. My long medical experience has convinced me that there is no medical need to put an an end exception for the life of the mother in anti-abortion law. Pregnancy from assault rape is extremely rare, there being fewer than 500 a year out of a total of 6.5 million pregnancies, over half of which voluntarily carry to term. Even so, I understand the concerns that many people have for these exceptions, and I am willing to testify for the need to put these exceptions into law. My total experience has also long since convinced me that abortion certainly kills a living human being, but it is also very dangerous and damaging to mothers and to many fathers. I believe if you re-pass your law with the noted exceptions that you will be doing a service to, not only to the people of South Dakota, but to the United States and to the world.

Phil & Vickie Burress

It's hard to believe that over 40,000,000 babies have been killed on United States soil. Since 1973 many attempts have been made to end this slaughter of the unborn and for the first time we feel there is a very good chance to reverse Roe vs. Wade. In 2006 we traveled the roads of South Dakota watching and praying that the ban on all abortions would be approved by the votes of South Dakota. That law passed by the legislature was defeated at the ballot box because the voters wanted life of mother, rape and incest exceptions in the law. We agree with the logic to present to the voters this November a law that contains those exceptions. If you can't save 100% of all babies then why not save 99% of them then continue working to save the 1%? Allen and Leslee Unruh are pro-life heroes. While others were saying the time is not right or disagree with the language, the Unruhs said it's never the wrong time to do the right thing. We agree and stand with Allen and Leslee and the people of South Dakota and say enough is enough - the killing stops here. We stand with you South Dakota.

Sandra Cano

By way of history, Doe vs. Bolton was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court legalizing 'Partial Birth Abortion.' The Supreme Court's decision was release on January 22, 1973 the same day as its companion case Roe vs. Wade. Today, I am the President of Wonderfully Made Ministry. The vision and mission of Wonderfully Made Ministry is to be "voice for the voiceless" both nationally and internationally via speaking engagements, lobbying politicians, and endorsing like-minded organizations. To that end my Vice President Hector D. Ferrer and I enthusiastically endorse the VoteYesForLife.com initiative. We hope and pray that his revolutionary bill will not only achieve its legislative end, but perhaps more importantly, it will awaken our nation's conscience to abolish America's Abortion Holocaust.

Frank Wright, PhD

From the earliest days of the battle to defend innocent unborn babies, members of the NRB have stood fast on the Biblical principle that these little ones are made in the image of God and are precious in His sight. This truth, that human beings at every stage of life have intrinsic value in the sight of their Creator, is not only a biblical principle but a cornerstone of our American system of government. The Founders proclaimed this boldly when they declared as self-evident "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these is life. That the minds of so many have been hardened to this truth remains a cause of great sadness for us. We are sadder still that 35 years after Roe vs. Wade this blight on our national soul still hangs as a deathly shadow over the land. Accordingly, NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) is greatly encouraged to see the valiant efforts of the people of South Dakota in defending the lives of unborn children. As you labor diligently to advance the VoteYesForLife.com initiative, please know that we stand with you in spirit and pray that God will grant you success. I trust that the efforts of South Dakotans, whose stalwart character is so much admired across our land, will be shining examples that move the hearts of others to become defenders of life.

Don Wildmon

I proudly give my wholehearted endorsement to the VoteYesForLife.com campaign in South Dakota. We at the American Family Association are challenging 100,000 pastors in the United States to adopt a bold initiative to take back the culture in America. Our churches are full but the people are empty. They have not been taught what made America great. We have become indifferent to evil. We have become desensitized to the reprehensible. The VoteYesForLife.com campaign is a giant step in the right direction. Categorizing the unborn as non-humans has been the biggest blight on our culture since the Dred Scott decision said black people weren't human, and since Hitler said Jews were not human. This will continue if Christians remain apathetic. Ignorance, apathy and indifference pave the road to tyranny. I commend the people of South Dakota for your bold initiative. South Dakota is a shining city on a hill for America. Freedom is not a license. It's very foundation is based on responsibility and moral restraint. Without each individual internalizing that concept, the entire experiment of self government will crumble. As John Adams said, "Freedom without virtue is madness." Hijacking the word "choice" to justify killing 48 million people is an insult to the principles on what this country was founded. There is nothing more one can do for the Kingdom of God in South Dakota than getting signatures and educating the people of your state how this affects America. This is not just a South Dakota issue. What happens there will impact all of us as individuals and as a nation. We pray you are successful in protecting human life created in the image of Almighty God, the creator of the universe.

Dr. Alveda King

To the people of South Dakota, I fully endorse your VoteYesForLife.com campaign. Your support for this effort touched my heart during my last visit with you in South Dakota. I know first hand the tragedy of abortion, and abhor the treatment of the unborn like they are some kind of political football to be discarded. All the arguments Planned Parenthood uses are full of lies and deception. Congratulations for never giving up in South Dakota. This is the ultimate issue. Without life all other issues are meaningless. Your initiative will be a role model for the nation. Martin Luther King was unequivocally pro-life. The slavery issue was a 'choice' issue not that long ago. Owning a slave was called exercising your freedom of choice, just like killing an unborn child is today. Both are equally reprehensible in a civilized society. I am praying for you South Dakota and will do everything I can to help you in victory. Thank you so much for what you are doing.

Dr. Gary Cass

I'm Dr. Gary Cass with the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. When I was Director of Center for Reclaiming America I worked with South Dakota to save the unborn. We helped raise funds, interviewed Dr. Allen and Leslee Unruh on our national TV program, and promoted their campaign to the fullest extent. The last interview Dr. D James Kennedy did on his radio program, "Truths That Transform" was with the Unruhs. We prepared and financed a DVD to send to every church in South Dakota along with the Alliance Defense Fund to inform Pastors of their legal rights to preach on this issue and support the campaign. I wholeheartedly support the new VoteYesForLife.com campaign in South Dakota. Planned Parenthood mounted a gigantic propaganda campaign to distort the truth, and convince the majority that the legislation "just wen too far" in reference to exceptions for rape and incest. By changing tactics, we can eliminate Planned Parenthood once and for all. Our nation simply cannot survive the wanton destruction of the unborn for any reason including birth control. We commend the people of South Dakota for your untiring efforts to save the unborn and urge your Christian activists to keep up the battle. As Patrick Henry said "The battle is not always the strong, it's to the vigilant, the active and the brave." You have our unwavering prayers and support in this new effort that will have a huge impact on our nation and possibly the world.

Marie Bowen

Presbyterians Pro-Life is grateful that the citizens of South Dakota are standing together to say "NO!" to abortion. Every abortion takes a human life. Every world culture understands that to take the life of another person is morally wrong. At the moment of fertilization, a new life is begun within the womb of a woman. Abortion ends that unique, human life. American society has suffered the loss of more than 47 million persons (and their children) since the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in 1973. The wisdom of 47 million minds is missing from our knowledge pool. Among those persons may have been doctors and scientists intended to discover a cure for AIDS, cancer or diabetes. Image 47 million more students in our schools or 47 million more consumers for our businesses! Our government is missing over 47 million taxpayers and workers to provide the social security benefits for the baby boom generation. Our economy suffers the loss of 47 million laborers producing domestic product. We are diminished by the absence of inspired composers, visionary politicians and gifted authors. Globally, European and Asian nations experiencing negative population growth are paying families to have more children. Death is not abortion's only holocaust. In abortion's wake we are left a sexually immoral culture, disintegrating family structures and women suffering an array of post-abortion traumas. Abortion is commonly used as birth control when pregnancy results from pre-marital and promiscuous sex among younger generations. Such practice allows irresponsible behavior to continue unchecked by the natural consequence of parenting responsibility. Particularly for men, abortion allows a pattern of sexual activity without commitment that has negatively impacted American families, especially in African American communities. Many children are growing up without a father in the home- sons with no role model for fatherhood. Women who have had abortions suffer increased risk for depression, anxiety, guilt, substance abuse, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction and suicide. Additionally, studies show that abortion increases a woman's risk for breast, cervical and liver cancers, future premature births and sterility. South Dakota, we pray that God will grant you good success for your efforts and end abortion in your state and our nation.

Samuel B. Casey, J.D.

I endorse the VoteYesForLife.com Campaign. As confirmed by recent polling data, a strong majority of the people of South Dakota support a law that would prohibit abortions in South Dakota as a method of birth control, as long as it would remain legal to have an abortion in cases of rape and incest or when there is a risk to the life or of serious injury to the health of the mother if the abortion is not performed. Acknowledging that the constitutionality and practical enforceability of such legislation is a preeminent concern, the Attorney General of South Dakota instituted a working group of South Dakota citizens and legal counsel to review the legislative history of abortion regulation in South Dakota, including the Report of the South Dakota Task Force to Study Abortions, as submitted to the Governor and Legislature of South Dakota (December 2005) (the "Task Force Report") and consult with him as to how to best draft constitutional legislation protecting an unborn child's intrinsic right to life and the mother's natural intrinsic right to a relationship with her child, with a priority concern for the protection of the mother's health in light of the multitude of harms posed by abortion. Given my more than twenty-five years of legal advocacy for the inalienable right to life, I was pleased to be invited to consult with the Attorney General as a member of the working group. After months of work and extensive telephonic and face-to-face collegial deliberations, the Attorney General's 13-member working group formally concurred in the proposed petition that is now being circulated (hereafter the "Abortion Initiative Measure") for qualifying signatures by the Vote Yes For Life Campaign (VoteYesForLife.com). In my view, based upon the scientific and medical findings in the Task Force Report, the people of South Dakota are correct to enact such a law at this time. Based upon current scientific medical knowledge and the legal testimony of women who have undergone abortions over the past thirty years, the report demonstrates that the most critical factual assumptions made by the United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade and subsequent decisions are incorrect to the detriment of the millions of women who have been subjected to the procedure. Enactment of this Abortion Initiative Measure will provide an opportunity to bring these facts to light for the first time in a court of law. The Abortion Initiative Measure was composed with the public debate and election in mind, as well as the needs to ultimately succeed in court. Drafted with the need to meet the rigors of both contests, the Abortion Initiative Measure has exceptions for the life of the mother, the health of the mother, rape and incest. All of these exceptions are well defined, and the Abortion Initiative Measure removes the most emotional objections to traditional abortion ban legislation. It removes the emotion issue of rape and makes it clear that the pregnant mother cannot be subjected to criminal liability. Let there be no mistake. The Abortion Initiative Measure is an incremental step that does not prohibit all abortions. While it does not represent the total prohibition sought by so many people of good will for the sake of the unborn child, it does prohibit all of those abortions we can constitutionally achieve at this time while laying the foundation for the long term goal of an American where every child by law is welcomed in life and every mother is protected from the harms of unnecessary abortion.

ALIVE! Women With A Passion

Who are we? We are women that faced a crisis pregnancy. Some chose to parent, some chose adoption, but many of us chose abortion and have come to deeply regret that decision, a decision that we live with daily. We are encouraged that VoteYesForLife.com is taking a step in the right direction. We wish like many others that we could ban all abortions, but at this time we do understand the reality of our circumstances. Banning abortion used as a means of birth control will save many babies and many women from pain. When a woman is faced with a crisis pregnancy, she is suddenly in panic mode. She is seeking help and if she ends up with family members or a boyfriend that suggests abortion, she without giving much thought of what future impact an abortion will have, she will choose abortion if it is available. If the option of abortion is no longer available as a means of birth control, she will be saved a lifetime of pain. Carrying a child for nine months may be the biggest blessing of her life. Abortion clinics do not inform you that you are taking the life of your child and that you will suffer emotionally from this loss. How can you make the right choice, when you are not fully informed of what an abortion does? They say the abortion is like removing tissue from your body. This tissue has DNA, it forms a brain, it forms a heartbeat, and has tiny hands and feet. This development is already there when most abortions are performed, which is 9-12 weeks of development. All this tiny body needed was time to grow. There is nothing harder on a woman than to discover the embryology of her unborn child and see that when she had the abortion it was not a blob of tissue. It was a life. Can you think of any other medical procedure where the doctor purposely keeps information from the patient on what they are doing? Where they say that the abortion should be between her and her doctor, but the first time she meets the doctor is two minutes before the abortion is performed? There is not a relationship with a doctor. Would you allow a doctor to perform planned open heart surgery on you and walk into his room two minutes before he plans to open your chest? Because abortion is such a secretive procedure, many women who suffer emotionally turn to drugs, alcohol, and many even become sexually promiscuous to try and forget what they have done. There is no forgetting that you have taken the life of your child. Maybe even the life of the only child you could have. The fortunate survivors of abortion have found forgiveness in Jesus Christ. We have been given our voice back so that we can go out and help save lives instead of watching them be destroyed. You see, Planned Parenthood does not offer post-abortion counseling because then they would have to recognize that abortion is harmful not only to the tiny baby, but also to the woman and others involved. The so called freedom to choose that Planned Parenthood offers is actually bondage. If you are in bondage from an abortion or maybe even even multiple abortions, please know that there is support for you. There is healing and forgiveness and a place of rest for you. Please join your voice with ours. One voice may not make a big difference, but many voices have been hurting from abortion to seek help from a crisis pregnancy center or a church that offers counseling. If you would like information about ALIVE! Women With A Passion, please call 605-361-3500. The Women and Friends of ALIVE encourage you to sign a petition and become involved in this effort to save babies. Contact VoteYesForLife.com and find out how you can help!

Dick Bott, Sr.

As the president of Bott Radio Network, with eighty Christian radio stations covering forty million people across nine midwestern states, I have carefully reported to our radio audience how important the opportunity for LIFE is right now in South Dakota, to strike a blow to the abortion industry in America as never before. In my news coverage of this important moment in America's pro-life history, I've been to Rapid City, Pierre and Sioux Falls several times to do whatever was possible to encourage the pro-life people to move with courage in support of "VoteYesForLife.com" - because I believe it will stop the abortion trade in its' tracks by cutting off the flow of cash to those who deal with death. Please read why I honestly believe the comparison of what William Wilberforce did in his time to stop the International Slave Trade in Great Britian is so similar to what "VoteYesForLife.com" means to the cause of LIFE in South Dakota now. The movie, Amazing Grace, is the true story of how William Wilberforce stopped the international slave trade in Great Britain by carefully crafting a strategic plan to cut-off the profit that was being made by the slave traders. And the rest is history, because it worked! When the profit stopped - the Slave-trade stopped! His plan was that simpled. And if he lived today in South Dakota, William Wilberforce would say: "VoteYesForLife.com." He knew the secret of striking a decisive blow to the heart of the international slave trade in Great Britian was to find a way to "cut-off the profit." He knew that once the big money that flowed to those who lived by the slave trade was cut-off, they would have no incentive to continue. And that's the story of how he developed his plan to STOP the evil of his day. However, now the pro-life people of South Dakota are standing in the vortex of the battle for Life. No other state in America has a chance to strike a dagger into the heart of the abortion industry as much as the people of South Dakota has right now. And "VoteYesForLife.com" is the way to do it, because just as William Wilberfoce' plan was to cut off the flow of big-money going to the slave traders, so too "VoteYesForLife.com" will cut-off the flow of big-money that is the incentive for the Abortion Industry in South Dakota to keep harvesting their "cash" by killing pre-born children. It is simply true that if the profit is shut-off - the killing will stop!

Dr. David Noebel

I want to take this time to give Summit Ministries' wholehearted endorsement of the VoteYesForLife campaign in South Dakota of 2008. I have been involved as a founder of Summit Ministries and lecturing at Christian WorldView conferences throughout the world for many years. Abortion is the ultimate issue. It transcends all issues. It is an issue of Life and Death. South Dakota has done their homework on this issue. South Dakota is the deciding battleground in this civil war for the unborn. God can work mightily in people who have the courage to stand up for what's right. We have seen it time and time again from graduates of the Summit camps we offer. I have personally known the Unruh's since 1971 and know they are solid in their convictions to fight for the unborn. There is an army of good people in South Dakota and I commend your courage to stand up and be counted, no matter what the cost. As Edmund Burke said "All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for enough good people to do nothing." The worldviews of secularists is destroying America. I encourage the people of South Dakota to keep fighting the light. What happens there can have a national if not a worldwide impact on the most crucial issue of our time. Our country cannot survive if the value of human life is subjective, based on whether you are wanted, needed, loved or convenient. God's laws are eternal. Of all things God hates, it's hands that shed innocent blood. God Bless the people of South Dakota in your battle for the unborn.

Josh D McDowell
Dr. David Stevens
Robert Knight

Civilization does not crumble all at once; it falls under the weight of a thousand cuts. Likewise, rebuilding a culture of life does not happen all at once. It takes a lot of small steps in the right direction, and also some big ones. The South Dakota initiative is a giant step toward ending abortion on demand. The abortion industry rightly fears this proposed law because they know that it will dry up money for abortions and therefore the incentives to commit abortions. Enactment of the law will also expose the abortion industry's lack of candor, since they have long opposed any restrictions on their deadly trade, even common sense precautions to protect mothers that are already required in other medical facilities. The aim of any pro-life initiative should be to save lives, period. Some good people contend that anything less than a complete ban amounts to sacrificing some lives to save others. But that's a little like saying that if firearms cannot get every single person out of a burning building, they shouldn't begin recruiting those that they can save. A tiny percentage of abortions would still be allowed under the law, and each life lost is a tragedy. But each life saved is a victory. With this law in place, even those exceptions will be less likely to happen. Partial-birth abortion laws, while outlawing only a relatively small number of "procedures," opened many Americans' minds to the reality that all abortions take an innocent human life. The laws, even while under legal challenge, have saved some lives, helped spur the rise in pro-life advocacy among young people and opened a debate that the media had thought was closed. Likewise, with passage of the VoteYesForLife measure the abortionists will not be able to continue their gruesome business in South Dakota and the harsh reality of abortions of any kind will become more readily apparent, paving the way for a more comprehensive law. The abortion industry is counting on dissent in the pro-life community to capsize what could be the stone that begins a pro-life legal avalanche across the nation. Let's pray that South Dakotans disappoint them.

Paul Weyrich

I wholeheartedly endorse the VoteYesForLife.com initiative to save the unborn in South Dakota. I am familiar with past endeavors in South Dakota and commend your state for continuing to fight this battle to the end. I feel the strategy you are using is prudent to enable a victory and it will prevent all abortions that are used for mere birth control reasons- which is about 98% of them. A victory in South Dakota would be a tremendous moral victory for America. Responsibility and moral restraints are the foundation of this Republic and any endeavor that encourages this behavior is a step in the right direction at a time when the far majority of Americans feel America is heading in the wrong direction morally. South Dakota has tremendous momentum on this vital issue. Your Task Force Report is like the Declaration of Independence for the unborn, and you have done the research to prove the dire consequences of abortion. A small group of committed people can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has. Thank you, South Dakotans, for your courage and recommitment to this worthy cause.